
The oil and wine produced by Villa Pazzi in Parugiano are full of history, still made with love for traditions and respecting artisan methods, they are ready to elevate your dishes by delighting your senses.

Villa Pazzi in Parugiano was in the centuries a splendid residence but also a working farm. On the premises there are still the stables, the abattoir, the dairy, the dryer for tobacco, the carpentry workshop and the cellars.

Villa Pazzi in Parugiano’s property includes about 450 hectares of land, with a variety of rolling hills and flat land.

On part of these lands vineyards and olive trees are presently cultivated.

The high quality of the oil product is given by a perfect mixture of moraiole, leccine and frantoiane olives that thanks to their enviable hilly geographic position offer an extra virgin olive oil of delicate taste, with a unique fragrance and with rare organoleptic features.

As for the wine, in addition to the land located in the immediate vicinity of Villa Pazzi al Parugiano, there is also a close link with the Chianti Fiorentino, where other vineyards are grown, mostly with Sangiovese which controls the “Chianti” brand. DOCG .